Sunday, October 24, 2010

Hi All,

Travis here for an overdue update.

MOM went to the dog show at Richmond in early Sept. (yeah, I told her SHE needed to post something about it but SHE doesn't listen to me). SHE took me the first day and I was afraid SHE was going to make me go into the ring (I still get shivers thinking about it). What happened was I met this nice man, who looked familiar and he and MOM talked for a while then he took me to meet someone else. She was a nice lady but she wanted me to stand up and started to up her hand on my belly and I dropped to the floor. The man told MOM he wanted this nice lady to "get a grand champion" on me - whatever that is and MOM said it was OK to start it in March of next year. MOM said I would go stay with her for a little bit and then come home again. I thought it sounded OK and I wouldn't have to put up with Gracie for a while.

Gracie went to the show the next day and she said she had to tell someone's dad off because he was standing in her way so she couldn't see the puppies in the ring. Gracie likes the show ring and says she's going to be a champion when she grows up. Yeah right (watch it, Travis, or I'll tell MOM you're on HER computer!!!) Little snitch.

MOM keeps hoping the weather will get cold enough so SHE can take Gracie off her medicine. SHE had to take Gracie to the doctor the other day and when Gracie came home, she had some big pills to take and some yucky smelling stuff that MOM put into her ears. She's better now. MOM said Gracie had a slight ear infection and that's why she had drops for her ears. Too bad, the doctor couldn't give her a pill to make her nice to me (MMMOOOMMM!!!! Travis is talking about me AGAIN!!!!!!). *snitch*

Well, Chloe and Stylle are lying on the couch and Gracie thinks she's gonna get up there, so I'd better go so I can lie on the couch with them and not Gracie. (MMMMMMMMOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMM!!! TRAVIS IS DOING IT AGAIN!!!!!).*&^%$#@!!

Talk to you soon,